Coordinamento Servizi Informatici Bibliotecari di Ateneo |
Università degli Studi di Lecce |
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Mathematics in the Web A workshop on Electronic Information and Communication in Mathematics Beijing, August 29-31, 2002 A satellite conference to the ICM 2002, Beijing |
The Italian National Information
System for Mathematics |
is the Italian National Information System for Mathematics.
allows the Italian mathematical community to have easy access to a coordinated
system of bibliographical, documentary, full-text and multimedia resources.
It aims at development,
diffusion and sharing of electronic information resources regarding mathematics,
with the less possible waste of technical and financial resources.
SINM website is accessible at the URL http://siba2.unile.it/sinm
Since 1991 SINM is coordinated
by the University of Lecce, in particular by the SIBA Coordination (http://siba2.unile.it),
in agreement with Italian mathematical libraries of Universities and Research
Within this Information System, SIBA Coordination has developed many national
projects for the cataloguing, the digitalization and the fruition of bibliographical
and documentary material, for the publication and consultation of electronic
journals and for the conversion in electronic format of the back volumes.
Among them we can mention: the National Catalogue of Mathematical,
Phisycal, Computer and Technological Sciences (http://siba2.unile.it/archives/bibsearch.html)
integrated with the “Archive of Indexes” of journals of greater interest (http://siba2.unile.it/cgi-bin/waisidx),
with the “Electronic Journal Catalogue Directory” (http://siba2.unile.it/ej-catalogue)
and with other network resources (databases and electronic journals full-text);
the OldenMath System for the cataloguing and the digitalization
of rare and valuable editions in the mathematical area (http://siba3.unile.it/archives/omsearch.html);
the SINM-MPRESS (http://siba-sinm.unile.it/mpress),
the Italian National Index of Mathematical Preprints, interoperable with the
ETRDL System (http://www.iei.pi.cnr.it/DELOS/EDL/edl.htm)
and included into the international system MPRESS/MathNet.preprints (http://euler.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MPRESS);
the REIM Project (Italian Mathematical Electronic Journals)
for the coordination and the consultation of electronic journals in the mathematical
area (http://siba2.unile.it/sinm/reim.htm).
SIBA Coordination furthermore has achieved many consortium-related agreements
with producers and distributors of electronic resources for an easy access
to electronic journals and to the most important databases of the mathematical
area. Among the last ones, we can mention MathSci and, in particular, ZMATH
and MATHDI (http://siba-sinmdb.unile.it/MATHDI),
whose Italian national mirrors are managed by SIBA Coordination and allow,
besides, to link dynamically to the National Journals Catalogue and to the
other network resources accessible through the SINM web server.
SINM is connected with other European Information Systems, with the main national
and international mathematical Organizations and Associations, in particular
with the Italian Mathematical Union and with the European Mathematical Society.
Together with the latter one and with other European partners, SIBA Coordination
cooperates to the LIMES (Large Infrastructure Mathematics-Enhanced Services)
project, financed by the European Union for the scientific and technological
development of ZMATH Database (http://www.emis.de/projects/LIMES/).
Within LIMES project SIBA Coordination is the Italian Editorial Unit of
ZMATH (http://siba2.unile.it/sinm.editZMATH),
it attends to the reviewing of the Italian journals, monographs and proceedings
and cooperates to the update and the development of the same database.
Full paper
(Sistema Informativo Nazionale per la Matematica) is the Italian National Information
System for Mathematics.
It enables the Italian mathematical community to have easy access to a coordinated
system of bibliographical, documentary, full-text and multimedia resources.
It aims at the development, diffusion and sharing of electronic information
resources regarding mathematics, at a less possible waste of technical and financial
The SINM Web site is accessible at the URL http://siba2.unile.it/sinm
Since 1991 SINM is coordinated by the University of Lecce, in particular by
SIBA Coordination (http://siba2.unile.it),
in agreement with the Italian mathematical Universities and research organizations
Within this Information System, SIBA Coordination has developed many national
projects for the cataloguing, digitalization and fruition of bibliographical
and documentary material, for the publication and consultation of electronic
journals and for the conversion in electronic format of the back volumes.
The National
Journals Catalogue of Mathematical, Physical, Computer and Technological
Sciences contains the bibliographical descriptions and holdings
of the journals of the Italian scientific libraries belonging to SINM as
well as the registry data of the same libraries; moreover, it contains the
bibliographical descriptions of the journals available in electronic format
and links to the relevant Web sites. |
The OldenMath
System (http://siba3.unile.it/archives/omsearch.html)
intends to catalogue rare and valuable editions in the mathematical area
held by the Universities and research organizations belonging to SINM
and to digitize the same editions, partially or completely, by means of
the SIBA Coordination System for digital acquisition and processing of
images (http://siba2.unile.it/sedi/labim.html).
To cite some volumes present in the OldenMath Catalogue: |
The SINM-MPRESS (http://siba-sinm.unile.it/mpress) is the Italian National Index of Mathematical Preprints; it collects and indexes the preprints of Italian mathematicians, and is included in the international system MPRESS/MathNet.preprints (Mathematics Preprint Search System, http://euler.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MPRESS). It is based on Harvest, a highly flexible software that works in a distributed way, giving the possibility to index both preprints entirely hosted on the SINM-MPRESS server and those stored on other Web sites. Moreover, SINM-MPRESS is interoperable with the ETRDL System (http://www.iei.pi.cnr.it/DELOS/EDL/edl.htm) of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics preprints of CNR and ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics). | |
(Riviste Elettroniche Italiane di Matematica = Italian Electronic Mathematical
Journals) is a project aiming at the coordination and the development of
the National System for the Web publication and consultation of the Italian
electronic mathematical journals. The project aims also at the conversion in electronic format of the back volumes of the journals, based on the system developed by EMIS (European Mathematical Information Service, http://siba-sinmemis.unile.it) within the ERAM project (Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics, http://www.emis.de/projects/JFM). The REIM System for the management and consultation of electronic journals has been implemented by SIBA Coordination in January 2000 with the publication of the electronic version of the Journal "Note di Matematica" (http://siba2.unile.it/notemat) by the University of Lecce. Like the ESE System (http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/home.htm), implemented by the same SIBA Coordination within the ESE project (Electronic Scientific Publishing of University of Lecce), REIM is based on standard and open technologies (SQL, PHP), on the use of standard formats for the access and electronic distribution of documents (PDF, PostScript, TeX) and on the use of standard communication protocols (HTTP). REIM enables the editorial management of electronic journals, the loading of full-text documents and the management of the relative metadata by means of a specific Web interface (http://siba2.unile.it/sinm/reim). The more, it allows to consult journals by means of a sole Web interface (http://siba2.unile.it/sinm/reim/search). It enables to search by title, author, abstract, keywords, MSC classification (Mathematical Subject Classification) and DOI code (Digital Object Identifier) contemporaneously on one or more journals. Each indexed article in the REIM System has a DOI code (assigned by SIBA Coordination) automatically generated and registered by the same system in the international index (DOI Directory). The DOI coding is universally acknowledged and enables the unequivocal and permanent identification of each document in electronic format through the assignment of an alphanumeric code to that document by the publisher. The REIM System enables to control the access to full-text documents through the authentication of the user by IP address or by password. The authorized user may access the full-text document directly on the REIM System. The REIM System enables also to consult, through the same Web interface, the electronic journals of other publishers: the System indeed allows also the indexing of the metadata concerning external electronic documents. In this case the System refers to the full-text on the publisher Web site. |
Coordination furthermore has achieved numerous consortium agreements with producers
and distributors of electronic resources aiming at an easy access to electronic
journals and to the major databases of the mathematical area. Among these databases
we can mention MathSci and, in particular, ZMATH (http://siba-sinmdb.unile.it/ZMATH)
and MATHDI (http://siba-sinmdb.unile.it/MATHDI),
whose Italian national mirrors are managed by SIBA Coordination.
These databases, as mentioned above, allow also dynamically linking to the National
Journals Catalogue and to the other network resources accessible through
the SINM Web server.
SINM is connected with other European Information Systems, with the main national
and international mathematical Organizations and Associations, in particular
with the Italian Mathematical Union
and with the European Mathematical
Together with the latter one and with other European partners, SIBA Coordination
cooperates to the LIMES (Large Infrastructure Mathematics-Enhanced Services)
project, financed by the European Union for the scientific and technological
development of ZMATH Database (http://www.emis.de/projects/LIMES/).
Within the LIMES project SIBA Coordination is the Italian Editorial Unit
of ZMATH (http://siba-sinmlimes.unile.it/editZMATH/),
it attends the reviewing of the Italian journals, monographs and proceedings
and is actively involved in the development and the updating of the same database.
Dr Virginia Valzano
SINM national Coordinator and SIBA general Coordinator
University of Lecce
Coordinamento SIBA, Via per Monteroni, Edificio La Stecca
73100 Lecce (Italy)
tel. +39 0832-320261-2; fax +39 0832 320261
http://siba2.unile.it; http://siba2.unile.it/sinm
e-mail: siba@unisalento.it
Dr Maria Carmela Catamo
Technical collaborator SIBA and SINM
University of Lecce
Coordinamento SIBA, Via per Monteroni, Edificio La Stecca
73100 Lecce (Italy)
tel. +39 0832-320261-2; fax +39 0832 320261
http://siba2.unile.it; http://siba2.unile.it/sinm
e-mail: siba@unisalento.it