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Servizi Informatici Bibliotecari di Ateneo
Università degli Studi di Lecce |
New Developments
in Electronic Publishing of Mathematics
A workshop integrating mathematicians, libraries, editors and publishers Stockholm, June 25-27, 2004 An official satellite conference to the ECM 2004, Stockholm |
The development of Electronic Publishing
Full paper
Since 1991 SIBA Coordination[1] of the University of Lecce coordinates the Italian National Information System for Mathematics (SINM), in agreement with the Italian mathematical libraries of Universities and Research Organizations.
This Information System enables the Italian mathematical community to have an easy access to a coordinated system of bibliographical, documentary, full-text and multimedia resources. It aims at the development, diffusion and sharing of electronic information resources regarding mathematics with the smallest possible waste of technical and financial resources.
Within this Information System, SIBA Coordination has developed many national projects for the cataloguing, digitalization and fruition of bibliographical and documentary material, for the publication and consultation of electronic journals and for the conversion to electronic format of the back volumes.
In particular, SIBA Coordination has developed: the SINM portal, accessible at the URL http://siba2.unile.it/sinm; the National Journals Catalogue of Mathematical, Physical, Computer and Technological Sciences; the National OldenMath Catalogue; the Italian National Index of Mathematical Preprints SINM-MPRESS; the REIM System; the Italian Editorial Unit of Zentralblatt MATH.
National Journals Catalogue of Mathematical,
Physical, Computer and Technological Sciences contains the bibliographical
descriptions and holdings of the journals of the Italian scientific libraries
belonging to SINM; moreover it contains the bibliographical descriptions of
the journals available in electronic format and links to the relevant Web sites.
The Catalogue,
accessible via the Web at the URL http://siba2.unile.it/archives/bibsearch.html,
allows the user to find the desired information in an extremely simple way,
to request automatically copies of journal articles by e-mail (clicking on the
library of interest and the relevant e-mail address), exclusively for scientific
purposes and according to the rules of copyright, or to access directly the
electronic version available on the Web servers either of the publishers or
of the CASPUR, Rome (http://periodici.caspur.it)
or through the Digital Library of CILEA, Milano.
dynamic links enable to extend to the Catalogue the search on the databases
available via the Web servers of the University of Lecce and, in particular,
on ZMATH (http://siba-sinmdb.unile.it/ZMATH)
and MATHDI (http://siba-sinmdb.unile.it/MATHDI),
in order to locate journals and to find documents.
The National OldenMath Catalogue, accessible via the Web at the URL http://siba3.unile.it/archives/omsearch.html, contains the bibliographical descriptions of old, rare and valuable editions held by SINM mathematics libraries, as well as the partial or entire digital reproduction of the same editions.
is the Italian National Index of Mathematical Preprints; it collects and indexes
the preprints of Italian mathematicians, and is included in the international
system MPRESS/MathNet.preprints (Mathematics Preprint Search System, http://mathnet.preprints.org).
It is based on Harvest, a highly flexible software that works in a distributed
way, giving the possibility to index both preprints entirely hosted on the SINM-MPRESS
server and those stored on other Web sites. Moreover, SINM-MPRESS is interoperable
with the ETRDL System (http://dienst.isti.cnr.it)
of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics preprints of CNR and ERCIM (European
Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics).
REIM (Riviste Elettroniche
Italiane di Matematica = Italian Electronic Mathematical Journals) is a project
aiming at the coordination and the development of the National System for the
Web publication and consultation of the Italian electronic mathematical journals.
The project aims also at the conversion to electronic format of the back volumes
of the journals, based on the system developed by EMIS (European Mathematical
Information Service, http://siba-sinmemis.unile.it)
within the ERAM project (Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics,
The REIM System for the management and consultation of electronic journals has
been implemented by SIBA Coordination in January 2000 with the publication of
the electronic version of the Journal "Note di Matematica" (http://siba2.unile.it/notemat)
by the University of Lecce. The System has been then developed and enlarged
through the publication and the indexing of other Italian mathematical journals.
Like the ESE System (http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/home.htm),
implemented by the same SIBA Coordination within the ESE project (Electronic
Scientific Publishing of University of Lecce), REIM is based on standard and
open technologies (SQL, PHP), on the use of standard formats for the access
and electronic distribution of documents (PDF, PostScript, TeX) and on the use
of standard communication protocols (HTTP).
REIM enables the editorial management of electronic journals to load full-text
documents and to manage the relative metadata by means of a specific Web interface
it allows to consult journals by means of a sole Web interface (http://siba2.unile.it/sinm/reim/search).
It enables to search by title, author, abstract, keywords, MSC classification
(Mathematical Subject Classification), DOI code (Digital Object Identifier)
and full-text contemporaneously on one or more journals.
All searchable
fields are indexed in order to provide users with faster and more effective
searches and more relevant results.
Each indexed
article in the REIM System has a DOI code (assigned by SIBA Coordination) automatically
generated and registered by the same system in the international index (DOI
The DOI coding
is universally acknowledged and enables the unequivocal and permanent identification
of each document in electronic format through the assignment of an alphanumeric
code to that document by the publisher.
Each DOI
Code includes a prefix and a suffix.
The prefix
univocally identifies the publisher of a publication; it is assigned by either
a national DOI Agency or by the International DOI Foundation. The DOI prefix
which the International Foundation assigned to the SIBA Coordination of the
University of Lecce is 10.1285/.
The suffix
is assigned directly by the publisher of a publication. Sometimes it is generated
according to a prefixed scheme, even if the standard DOI does not impose any
constraint but the uniqueness (that is each DOI code must correspond biunivocally
to only one article!). The DOI suffix which SIBA Coordination assigns to its
publications is generated according to the following scheme: ISSN+volume+issue+page
(Ex. 10.1285/i15900935v21n1p59 = DOI code of the article published in the volume
21 nr 1 of the journal “Note di Matematica” at the page 59).
System enables to control the access to full-text documents through the authentication
of the user by IP address or by password.
System enables also to consult, through the same Web interface, the electronic
journals of other publishers: the System indeed allows also to index the metadata
concerning external electronic documents and to refer to the full-text on the
relative publisher Web sites.
REIM will
be further developed in cooperation with the Unione Matematica Italiana, with
the FIZ Karlsruhe and the European Mathematical Society.
Italian Editorial Unit of ZMATH (http://siba-sinmlimes.unile.it/editZMATH)
was started in 2000 by the SIBA Coordination according to the FIZ Karlsruhe
(Berlin), within the European LIMES Project (Large Infrastructure Mathematics-Enhanced
This Editorial Unit deals with the reviewing of the Italian journals, monographs
and proceedings and is actively involved in the development and the updating
of ZMATH Database. In order to support the whole Editorial Unit workflow in
the most linear, effective and "paperless" manner, SIBA Coordination
has designed and developed the LIMES-NAIS (New Advanced Input System). It is
a full Web application which supports every step in the editorial unit workflow,
including the reviewing process by external reviewers and the data transfer
to the ZMATH central production system. NAIS has been designed to allow: a dynamic
bibliographic database structure, based upon a bibliographic database structure
definition; an effective user management, based on the concept of user
roles; a fully multilingual Web interface for internal (editorial unit staff)
and external (reviewers) system users.
NAIS has been built using MySQL 3.23 as SQL database engine and PHP 4.1 as server
side scripting engine. PHP scripts generate HTML and Javascript code for the
Web user interface, XML data for the XMLRPC interface and the data download
interface. The generated Javascript code avoids the use of any browser specific
feature, to guarantee, as much as possible, a complete cross browser compatibility.
NAIS is being used by the Italian Editorial Unit for the entire editorial workflow
and it has been set up for being used by all European Editorial Units too.
A more detailed
description of the objectives and activities of the Italian Editorial Unit of
ZMATH is available on the Web site of the same Editorial Unit (http://siba-sinmlimes.unile.it/editZMATH)
as well as in the paper “The Italian Editorial Unit of ZMATH” by Prof. Carlo
[1] SIBA Coordination (http://siba2.unile.it) is the structure of the University of Lecce (Italy) that coordinates the Computer Services for the University Libraries, the development of the Telematic Information System for Research and Education and numerous activities and national and international projects for the acquisition and utilization, through electronic media, of bibliographic and documentary material, as well as of archaeological finds, environments and architectural structures.
Dr Virginia Valzano
SINM national Coordinator and SIBA general Coordinator
University of Lecce
Coordinamento SIBA, Via per Monteroni, Edificio La Stecca
73100 Lecce (Italy)
tel. +39 0832-320261-2; fax +39 0832 320261
http://siba2.unile.it; http://siba2.unile.it/sinm
e-mail: siba@unisalento.it
Dr Maria Carmela Catamo
Technical collaborator SIBA and SINM
University of Lecce
Coordinamento SIBA, Via per Monteroni, Edificio La Stecca
73100 Lecce (Italy)
tel. +39 0832-320261-2; fax +39 0832 320261
http://siba2.unile.it; http://siba2.unile.it/sinm
e-mail: siba@unisalento.it