Coordinamento Servizi Informatici Bibliotecari di Ateneo  
Università degli Studi di Lecce

Sistema Informativo Nazionale per la Matematica
Periodici elettronici
(Repertorio a cura del Coordinamento SIBA)

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N -
O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V -X - Y - W - Z

Accounting auditing and accountability journal
Accreditation and Quality Assurance
ACM computing surveys
ACM journal of experimental algorithmics
ACM transactions on computer-human interaction
ACM transactions on computer systems
ACM transactions on database systems
ACM transactions on information systems
ACM transactions on mathematical software
ACM transactions on modeling and computer simulation
ACM's transactions on computer-human interaction
Acqua, aria [1982]
Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis. Irodalomtudomanyi kozlemenyek
Acta applicandae mathematicae
Acta biotheoretica
Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Zoologia
Acta informatica
Acta Materialia (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Acta mathematica Hungarica
Acta mathematica Universitatis Comenianae
Acta metallurgica et materialia (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Acta oecologica (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Acta physica slovaca
Acta polymerica
Acta zoologica
Acta zoologica (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Advanced materials
Advanced materials for optics and electronics
Advances in applied mathematics
Advances in engineering software (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Advances in enzyme regulation (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Advances in mathematics
Advances in water resources (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Aequationes mathematicae
Aggressive behavior
Agricultural economics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Agricultural systems (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Agronomie (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Agronomy journal
AIDS research and human retroviruses
Aircraft engineering
Algebra universalis
American journal of mathematics
American journal of physical anthropology
American journal of physics
American journal of primatology
Analysis mathematica
Analysis mathematica (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Analytica chimica acta (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Analytical biochemistry
Anatomy and embryology
Angewandte Chemie [1949]
Animal behaviour
Animal reproduction science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Annalen der Physik [1900]
Annales Academiae Scientiarium Fennicae: Mathematica
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica. Dissertationes
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I: Mathematica
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I: Mathematica. Dissertationes
Annales geophysicae [1988]
Annales Henri Poincare. A Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Annales de l'IHP. Probabilites et statistiques
Annales de l'IHP. Probabilites et statistiques (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Annales de l'Institut Fourier
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Analyse non lineaire
Annales de physique
Annales des sciences forestieres (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Annales scientifiques de l' Ecole Normale Superieure
Annales scientifiques de l' Ecole Normale Superieure (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Annales de zootechnie (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Annali di geofisica [1993]
Annals of biomedical engineering
Annals of botany
Annals of global analysis and geometry
Annals of human genetics
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Annals of physics
Annals of physics
Annals of pure and applied logic
Annals of pure and applied logic (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology
Anti-corrosion methods and materials
Antiviral research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Apidologie (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Applicable algebra in engineering, communication and computing
Applied acoustics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Applied artificial intelligence
Applied categorical structures
Applied clay science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Applied and computational harmonic analysis
Applied and environmental microbiology
Applied geochemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Applied intelligence
Applied mathematical modelling
Applied mathematics and computation
Applied mathematics letters
Applied mathematics and optimization
Applied microbiology and biotechnology
Applied ocean research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Applied optics
Applied organometallic chemistry
Applied physics letters
Applied physics. A: Materials science & processing
Applied physics. B: Lasers and optics
Applied radiation and isotopes (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Applied Sciences
Applied Signal Processing
Applied stochastic models and data analysis
Applied surface science
Applied surface science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Applied thermal engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Aquaculture (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Aquatic living resources (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Aquatic sciences
Archiv der Mathematik
Archive of applied mechanics. Ingenieur-Archiv [1991]
Archive for history of exact sciences
Archive for mathematical logic
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology
Archives of mathematics
Archives mathematiques
Archives of microbiology
Archives of Toxicology
Archives of virology
Archivum mathematicum
Art history
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Artificial intelligence in engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Artificial intelligence review
Assembly Automation
Astronomical journal
Astronomy and astrophysics
The Astronomy and astrophysics review
Astronomy and astrophysics. Supplement series
Astronomy reports
Astroparticle physics
Astroparticle physics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Astrophysical journal
The Astrophysical journal letters
Astrophysical journal. Supplement series
Astrophysics and space science
Atomic data and nuclear data tables
Atomic data and nuclear data tables
Automatica (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

   Balkan journal of geometry and its applications
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology
Beitrage zur algebra und geometrie
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
The Biochemical journal
Biochemical systematics and ecology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochemistry and cell biology
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene structure and expression
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene structure and expression (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects
Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Lipids and lipid metabolism
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Protein structure and molecular enzymology
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Protein structure and molecular enzymology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on biomembranes
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on biomembranes (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimie (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biochimie et biologie cellulaire
Biodiversity and conservation
Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biographical memoirs of fellows of the Royal Society
Biologia plantarum
Biological chemistry
Biological cybernetics
Biological journal of the Linnean Society
Biology of the cell (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biology and fertility of soils
Biomaterials (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biometrical journal
Bioorganic chemistry
Biophysical chemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biophysical journal
Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Biotechnology and bioengineering
Biotechnology letters
Biprocess Engineering
Bollettino del CILEA
Botanica marina
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society
Boundary-layer meteorology
Brain and cognition
Brain and language
Brain research
Brain research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
British accounting review
British journal of educational technology
British poultry science
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Bulletin de l' Institut Pasteur (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Bulletin of mathematical biology
Bulletin new series of the American Mathematical Society
Bulletin des sciences mathematiques
Bulletin des sciences mathematiques (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Bulletin of volcanology

Calculus of variations and partial differential equations
Canadian geotechnical journal
Canadian journal of botany
Canadian journal of chemistry
Canadian journal of civil engineering
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences
Canadian journal of forest research
Canadian journal of microbiology
Canadian journal of physics
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Carbohydrate research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Catena (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy
Cell biochemistry and function
Cell biology and toxicology
Cell death and differentiation
Cell motility and the cytoskeleton
Cell and tissue research
Cellular immunology
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Cellular signalling (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Cement and concrete composites (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Cement and concrete research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
CERN courier
Chaos, solitons and fractals (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Chemical communications [1996]
The Chemical Educator
Chemical engineering journal [1996] (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Chemical engineering science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Chemical geology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Chemical physics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Chemical physics letters
Chemical physics letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Chemical senses
Chemistry international
Chemistry of materials
Chemosphere (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Chicago journal of theoretical computer science
The chimical educator
Chromatographia (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Circuit World
CIT Infobits
Clean Products and Processes
Climate dynamics
Climatic change
Clinical microbiology reviews
Coastal engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Cognition (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Cognitive psychology
Collectanea mathematica
Collection building
Colloid and polymer science
Combinatorics, probability and computing
Combustion and flame (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
Communications in mathematical physics
Communications in numerical methods in engineering
Communications on pure and applied mathematics
Communications in Visual Mathematics
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Section A: Comparative physiology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Section B: Comparative biochemistry
Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Complexity international
Composite structures (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Composites (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Composites manufacturing (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Composites. Part A: Applied science and manufacturing (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Composites science and technology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Compositio mathematica
Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie I: Mathematique
Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie I: Mathematique (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie IIc, Chimie (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Comptes rendus de l' Academie des Sciences. Serie III: Sciences de la vie (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computational economics
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
Computational mechanics
Computational statistics and data analysis (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computer aided design
Computer aided design (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computer aided geometric design
Computer aided geometric design (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computer bulletin
Computer graphics forum
Computer languages
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine
Computer networks
Computer networks and ISDN systems
Computer physics communications
Computer physics communications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computer standards and interfaces
Computer supported cooperative work
Computer Vision and Image Understanding. CVIU
Computers and biomedical research
Computers and fluids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computers and geosciences
Computers and geosciences (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computers and geotechnics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computers and graphics
Computers and industrial engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computers in industry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computers & mathematics with applications [1987]
Computers & mathematics with applications [1987] (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computers and operations research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computers in physics
Computers and society
Computers and structures (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Computing in Science & Engineering
Computing and Visualization in Science
Concurrency. Practice and experience
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
Constructive approximation
Continental shelf research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics
Contraception (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Contributions to algebra and geometry
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology
Coordination chemistry reviews (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Coral reefs
Corrosion science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Crop science
Crux Mathematicorum
Culture, medicine and psychiatry
Current contents. Life sciences
Current genetics
Current microbiology
Current opinion in structural biology
Current opinion in structural biology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Cytogenetics and cell genetics

   Data and knowledge engineering
Data and knowledge engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Decision support systems (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Deep-sea research. Part 1. Oceanographic research papers (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Deep-sea research. Part 2. Topical studies in oceanography (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Denki Gakkai zasshi
Design studies (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Designs, codes and cryptography
Development, genes and evolution
Development, growth and differentation
Developmental dynamics
Developmental genetics
Developmental neuroscience
Developmental psychobiology
Dialectical anthropology
Diamond and related materials (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Differential geometry and its applications
Differential geometry and its applications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems
Digital signal processing
Discrete applied mathematics [1988]
Discrete applied mathematics [1988] (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Discrete and computational geometry
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems
Discrete mathematics
Discrete mathematics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science
Distributed computing
DNA and cell biology
Documenta Mathematica
Dynamics and control
Dynamics and stability of systems

 Earth and planetary science letters
Earth and planetary science letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Earth science reviews (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Earth surface processes and landforms
Earth, moon and planets
Ecological economics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Ecological entomology
Economic Theory
Economics letters
Economics letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Education and training
Educational studies in mathematics
EHP. Environmental health perspectives
Electric power systems research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Electrical engineering in Japan
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity
Electronic communications in probability
Electronic geosciences
The Electronic Journal of the Argentine Society for Informatics and Operation Research
The Electronic journal of combinatorics
Electronic journal of differential equations
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
Electronic journal of probability
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
The Electronic Library
Electronic research announcements of the American Mathematical Society
Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
Electronic transactions on numerical analysis
Electronic transactions on numerical analysis
Electronics and communications in Japan. Part I: Communications
Electronics and communications in Japan. Part II: Electronics
Electronics and communications in Japan. Part III: Fundamental electronic science
Electronics letters
Elemente der Mathematik
Elettronica oggi
The EMBO journal
Endeavour (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Energy and buildings (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Energy economics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Energy policy (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Engineering computations
Engineering with computers
Engineering failure analysis (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Engineering fracture mechanics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Engineering geology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Engineering structures (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Enseignement mathematique
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata
Environment international (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Environmental conservation (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Environmental and ecological statistics
Environmental Engineering and Policy
Environmental and experimental botany (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Environmental geology [1993]
Environmental management
Environmental and molecular mutagenesis
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Environmental pollution [1987] (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Environmental research
Environmental science and technology
Epidemiology and infection
EPJ direct
ESAIM. Controle, optimisation et calcul des variations
ESAIM. Probabilites et statistique
ESAIM. Proceedings
Europaische Zeitschrift fur Kombinatorik
European biophysics journal
European Food Research and Technology
European journal of applied mathematics
European journal of biochemistry
European journal of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
European journal of combinatorics
European journal of mechanics. A: solids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
European journal of mechanics. B: fluids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The European journal of neuroscience
European journal of phycology
European journal of physics
European journal of population
The European physical journal - Applied physics
The European Physical Journal. A: Hadrons and Nuclei
The European physical journal. B: Condensed matter physics
The European Physical Journal. C: Particles and Fields
The European physical journal. D: Atomic, molecular and optical physics
European polymer journal (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Europhysics letters
Europhysics letters
Europhysics news
Evolutionary ecology
Experimental astronomy
Experimental Biology Online
Experimental brain research
Experimental cell research
Experimental parasitology
Experiments in fluids
Expert systems

   The FASEB journal
Fatigue and fracture of engineering materials and structures
FEBS letters
FEBS letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
FEMS microbiology ecology
FEMS microbiology ecology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
FEMS microbiology letters
FEMS microbiology letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
FEMS microbiology Reviews
FEMS microbiology Reviews (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Few-body systems
Fibonacci quarterly
Finance and stochastics
Finite fields and their applications
First break
Fisheries Research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Fluid phase equilibria (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Folia primatologica
Food microbiology
Forest ecology and management (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Formal aspects of computing
Fortschritte der Physik
Forum mathematicum
Foundations of physics
Foundations of physics
Free radical biology and medicine (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Freshwater biology
Fruits (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Fuel (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Functional ecology
Furman University Electronic Journal of undergraduate mathematics
Fuzzy sets and systems
Fuzzy sets and systems (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

Gazette - Australian Mathematical Society
Genes, chromosomes cancer
Genes and development
Genetical research
The Geneva papers on risk and insurance. Issues and practice
The Geneva papers on risk and insurance. Theory
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Geoderma (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Geological journal
Geological magazine
Geologie en mijnbouw
Geologische Rundschau
Geology today
Geometric and functional analysis
Geometry and topology
Geomorphology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics
Geophysical journal international
Geophysical prospecting
Geotextiles and geomembranes (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Geothermics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Glasgow mathematical journal
Glycoconjugate journal
Granular Matter
Graphical models and image processing
Graphs and combinatorics
Grass and forage science

   Heat and Mass Transfer
Heat recovery systems and CHP (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Helvetica chimica acta
Heterocycles (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Higher education
Histochemical journal
Historia mathematica
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Hotmath magasine
Housing studies
HRC. Journal of high resolution chromatography
Human genetics [1976]
Human heredity
Hydrological processes
Hydrometallurgy (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

  IAT Infobits
IMA journal of applied mathematics
IMA journal of numerical analysis
Immunology and cell biology
Indagationes mathematicae (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Industrial law journal
Industrial lubrication and tribology
Industrial relations
Industrial relations journal
Industrial robot
Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung
Informatik - Spektrum
Information and computation
Information processing letters
Information processing letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Information processing and management (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Information sciences
Information sciences applications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Information Technology & People
Infrared physics and technology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Inorganica chimica acta (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Insectes sociaux
Instructional science
Insurance mathematics and economics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Interacting with computers
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Physical and Engineering Sciences
Interfaces and Free Boundaries.
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing
International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering
International journal of bio-medical computing
International journal of bio-medical computing (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of biometeorology
International journal of circuit theory and applications
International journal of climatology
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
International journal of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics
International journal of electronics
International journal of electronics
International journal of engineering science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of fatigue (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The International journal of flexible manufacturing systems
International Journal of Fluid Dynamics
International journal of fracture
International journal of game theory
International journal of heat and mass transfer (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of human-computer studies
International journal of industrial organization
International journal of industrial organization (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of intelligent systems
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of mechanical sciences (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of mineral processing (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of modern physics A: Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology
International journal of modern physics B
International journal of modern physics. C: Physics and computers
International journal of multiphase flow (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of non-linear mechanics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics
International journal for numerical methods in engineering
International journal for numerical methods in fluids
International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow
International journal of parasitology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of plasticity (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of production research
International journal of production research
International journal of quantum chemistry
International journal of refrigeration (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences and geomechanics abstracts (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
International journal of solids and structures (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
International journal of theoretical physics
International journal of theoretical physics
International journal of urban and regional research
International Mathematics Research Notices
International review of education
Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehungwissenschaft
Inventiones mathematicae
Inverse problems
Irrigation Science
Izvestiya Mathematics

   Japanese journal of applied physics
Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 1. Regular papers short notes and review papers
JETP letters
JMR. Journal of molecular recognition
Journal of accounting and economics
Journal of the ACM
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Journal of African earth sciences (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of agricultural science
Journal of algebra
Journal of algebraic combinatorics
Journal of algorithms
Journal of alloys and compounds (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Journal of anatomy
Journal of animal ecology
Journal of applied ecology
Journal of applied electrochemistry
Journal of applied geophysics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of applied mathematics and physics
Journal of applied physics
Journal of applied polymer science
Journal of applied statistics
Journal of approximation theory
The journal of artificial intelligence research
Journal of the Australian mathematical Society. Series A: Pure mathematics
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A: Pure mathematics and statistics
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series B. Applied Mathematics
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B. Electronic Applied Mathematics
Journal of automated reasoning
Journal of bacteriology
Journal of basic microbiology
Journal of biological chemistry
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of biomedical materials research
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
Journal of business finance and accounting
Journal canadien de chimie
Journal canadien de microbiologie
Journal canadien de physique
Journal canadien de recherche forestiere
Journal canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques
Journal of catalysis
Journal of cell biology
Journal of cell science
Journal of cellular biochemistry
Journal of cellular physiology
Journal of chemical physics
Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton transactions: Inorganic chemistry
Journal of chemical thermodynamics
Journal of Chemometrics
Journal of chromatography (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of classification
Journal of clinical microbiology
Journal of colloid and interface science
Journal of combinatorial designs
Journal of combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. Structures designs and applications of combinatorics
Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B: Graph theory. Matroid theory
Journal of comparative neurology [1911]
Journal of comparative physiology. A: Sensory, neural and behavioral physiology
Journal of comparative physiology. B: Biochemical, systemic and environmental physiology
Journal of complexity
Journal of computational and applied mathematics
Journal of Computational chemistry
Journal of computational physics
Journal of computer-aided molecular design
Journal of computer assisted learning
Journal of computer and system sciences
Journal of constructional steel research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The Journal of consumer marketing
Journal of contaminant hydrology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of convex analysis
Journal of cryptology
Journal of crystal growth
Journal of crystal growth (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of differential equations
Journal of ecology
Journal of econometrics
Journal of econometrics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of economic behavior and organization (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of economic dynamics and control
Journal of economic dynamics and control (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of elasticity
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The journal of electronic publishing
Journal of electrostatics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of engineering mathematics
Journal of environmental economics and management
Journal of European industrial training
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Journal europeen de combinatoire
Journal of evolutionary biology
The Journal of experimental biology
Journal of experimental botany
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of experimental and theoretical physics
Journal of experimental zoology
Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology
Journal of financial economics
Journal of financial economics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of fish biology
Journal of fish diseases
Journal of fluid mechanics
Journal of food engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of forecasting
Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Journal of functional analysis
Journal of functional and logic programming
Journal of functional programming
Journal for general philosophy of science
Journal of general physiology
Journal of geochemical exploration (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of Geodesy
Journal of geodynamics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of geometry and physics
Journal of geometry and physics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of global optimization
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Journal of graph theory
Journal of Group Theory
Journal of heredity
Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry
Journal of the history of biology
Journal of housing economics
Journal of human genetics
Journal of hydrology
Journal of hydrology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The Journal of industrial economics
Journal of inorganic biochemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of insect physiology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of Integer Sequences
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Journal of invertebrate pathology
Journal of Lie theory
Journal of lightwave technology
Journal of lipid research
Journal of logic and computation
The Journal of logic programming
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Journal of luminescence (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials
Journal of management studies
Journal of manufacturing systems (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of Marine Biotechnology
Journal of materials chemistry
Journal of materials chemistry
Journal of materials science letters
Journal of materials science
Journal of materials science. Materials in electronics
Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine
Journal de mathematiques et de physique appliquees
Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees
Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications
Journal of mathematical biology
Journal of mathematical economics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
Journal of mathematical physics
Journal of mathematical psychology
Journal of mathematical systems, estimation and control
Le journal de maths des eleves
Journal of mechanics and physics of solids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of medical virology
Journal of membrane biology
Journal of microcolumn separations
Journal of microscopy
Journal of molecular biology
Journal of molecular catalysis (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of molecular endocrinology
Journal of molecular evolution
Journal of molecular spectroscopy
Journal of molecular structure (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of morphology [1931]
Journal of multivariate analysis
Journal of neurocytology
Journal of neurophysiology
Journal of neuroscience research
Journal of neuroscience
Journal of non-crystalline solids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of nonlinear science
Journal of number theory
Journal of nutrition
Journal of molecular catalysis. A: Chemical (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The Journal of the Operational Research Society
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A: Optics and image science
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B: Optical physics
Journal of optics
Journal of organometallic chemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of petroleum science and engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of petrology
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A: Chemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B: Biology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of physical and chemical reference data
Journal of physical organic chemistry
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Journal of physics and chemistry of solids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of physics. A: Mathematical and general
Journal of physics. B: Atomic, molecular and optical physics
Journal of physics. Condensed matter
Journal of physics. D: Applied physics
Journal of physics. G: Nuclear and particle physics
The Journal of physiology
Journal de physique. I
Journal de physique. II
Journal de physique. III
Journal of plankton research
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
Journal of plasma physics
Journal of pure and applied algebra
Journal of pure and applied algebra (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer
Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Journal of robotic systems
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in society
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical methodology
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied statistics
Journal of rural studies (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The Journal of services marketing
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
Journal of solid state chemistry
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Journal of sound and vibration
Journal of statistical planning and inference
Journal of statistical planning and inference (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of statistical software
Journal of Statistics Education
Journal of structural biology
Journal of structural geology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of supercomputing
The Journal of supercritical fluids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of symbolic computation
The journal of systems and software
The journal of systems and software (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of theoretical biology
Journal de theorie des nombres de Bordeaux
Journal of time series analysis
The Journal of trace elements in experimental medicine
Journal of urban economics
Journal of vacuum science & technology. B, microelectronics and nanometer structures. Processing, measurement and phenomena
Journal of vacuum science and technology A: Vacuum, surfaces and films
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics
Journal of virological methods (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of virology
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

Kolloid-Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift fur Polymere [1974]
Kybernetes: An international journal of cybernetic and general systems

Le Lait (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The Lancet
The Lancet (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Letters in mathematical physics
The Lichenologist
Life sciences [1973]
Life sciences [1973] (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Lifetime data analysis
Linear algebra and its applications
Linear algebra and its applications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Lithos (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Living Reviews in Relativity
LMS journal of computation and mathematics
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Logic Journal of the IGPL
Long range planning (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

  Machine learning
Machine Vision and Applications
Macromolecular chemistry and physics
Macromolecular rapid communications
Macromolecular theory and simulations
Macromolecules (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Magnetic resonance in chemistry
Management decision
Manuscripta mathematica
Marine biology
Marine Biotechnology
Marine chemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Marine geology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Marine geophysical researches
Marine micropaleontology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Marine pollution bulletin (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mass spectrometry reviews
Matematicki vesnik
Materials characterization (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Materials chemistry and physics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Materials at high temperatures (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Materials Research Innovations
Materials science and engineering. B. Solid-state materials for advanced technology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Materials science and engineering. C: biomimetics materials, sensors and systems (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Materials science and engineering. R: reports (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Materie plastiche ed elastomeri
Mathematica bohemica
Mathematica in education and research
Mathematica pannonica
Mathematical biosciences (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mathematical and computer modelling
Mathematical Connections
Mathematical finance
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal
Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Mathematical programming
Mathematical programming (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mathematical reviews
Mathematical social sciences (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mathematical structures in computer science
Mathematics of computation
Mathematics and computers in simulation
Mathematics and computers in simulation (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mathematische Annalen
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Mathesis Universalis
Measurement (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Meat Science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mechanical systems and signal processing
Mechanics of cohesive-frictional materials
Mechanics of materials (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mechanics research communications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mechanism and machine theory (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mechanisms of development
Mechanisms of development (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Medical microbiology and immunology
Medical physics
Microbial ecology
Microbial pathogenesis
Microchemical journal
Microcomputers in civil engineering
Microelectronics journal (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Microprocessing and microprogramming (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Microscopy research and technique
Microsystem Technologies
Microwave and optical technology letters
Minds and machines
Mineralium deposita
Minerals engineering (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Missouri journal of mathematical sciences
MIT's Technology Review
Mobile Networks and Applications
Modern physics letters A: Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology, nuclear physics
Modern physics letters B
Molecular and biochemical parasitology
Molecular biology reports
Molecular carcinogenesis
Molecular and cellular biochemistry
Molecular and cellular biology
Molecular and cellular probes
Molecular and general genetics
Molecular immunology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology
Molecular Medicine
Molecular microbiology
Molecular reproduction and development
Molecules Online
Monatshefte fur Chemie
Monatshefte fuer Mathematik
Monthly notices of the R. Astronomical Society
Morehead Electronic Journal of Applications in Mathematics
Morphology Digest
Multimedia systems
Mutation research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mutation Research. Reviews in genetic toxicology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Mycopathologia [1975]

Naval research logistics
Network. Computation in neural systems
Neural Computing & Applications
Neuroscience letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Neuroscience research communications
Neuroscience (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The New York journal of mathematics (Accesso via WWW)
The New York journal of mathematics (
Accesso via Gopher)
The New York journal of mathematics (
Accesso via FTP)
Nexus Network Journal
Nonlinear analysis
Nonlinear analysis (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Nonlinear differential equations and applications.
Nonlinear science today
Nordic journal of philosophical logic
Note di matematica
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Notre Dame journal of formal logic
Nuclear data sheets
Nuclear instruments and methods (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research. Section A: Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research. Section B: Beam interactions with materials and atoms
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research. Section B: Beam interactions with materials and atoms (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Nuclear physics. A
Nuclear physics. A (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Nuclear physics. B
Nuclear physics. B (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Nuclear physics: B. Proceedings supplement
Nucleic acids research
Numerical linear algebra with applications
Numerical methods for partial differential equations
Numerische Mathematik
Il Nuovo cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica. A. Nuclei, particles and fields
Il Nuovo cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica. B. Relativity, classical and statistical physics
Il Nuovo cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica. C. Geophysics and space physics
Nutrition (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

Omega (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Operations research letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Operations research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Optical and quantum electronics
Optics communications
Optics communications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Optics letters
Optics and spectroscopy
Optimal control applications and methods
Ore geology reviews (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Organic geochemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere

   Pacific journal of mathematics
Parallel computing
Parallel computing (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Parasitology today (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Pattern Analysis & Applications
Pattern recognition letters
Pattern recognition letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Pattern recognition
Pattern recognition (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
PC magazine [1989]
PC magazine
Peptides (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Performance evaluation
Performance evaluation (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Periodica mathematica hungarica
Perspectives in drug discovery and design
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
Pflugers Archiv
Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Philosophical transactions. Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences
Phisics of Plasmas
Physica A
Physica A (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physica B. Condensed matter
Physica B. Condensed matter (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physica C. Superconductivity
Physica C. Superconductivity (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physica D
Physica D (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physica medica
Physica scripta
Physica status solidi. A: Applied research
Physica status solidi. B: Basic research
Physica. E, Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures
Physica. E, Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physical review letters
Physical review. A: Atomic, molecular and optical physics
Physical review. B: Condensed matter
Physical review. B: Condensed matter and materials physics
Physical review. C: Nuclear physics
Physical review. D: Particles and fields
Physical review. E: Statistical physics, plasma, fluids and related interdisciplinary topics
Physics of atomic nuclei
Physics and chemistry of minerals
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physics of fluids [1994]
Physics letters. A
Physics letters. A (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physics letters. B
Physics letters. B (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physics in medicine and biology
Physics of particles and nuclei
Physics in Perspective
Physics reports
Physics reports (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Physics of the solid state
Physiological entomology
Physiological and molecular plant pathology
Physiological reviews
Phytochemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Pigment & resin technology
Planetary and space science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The Plant cell
Plant, cell and environment
Plant cell reports
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture
Plant molecular biology reporter
Plant molecular biology
Plant physiology
Plant science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Plastics, rubber and composites processing and applications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Polar Biology
Polyhedron (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Polymer (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Polymer bulletin
Polymer contents
Population research and policy review
Portugaliae mathematica
Potential analysis.
Powder technology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Previews of heat and mass transfer (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Probabilistic engineering mechanics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Probability theory and related fields
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Proceedings. Royal Society. Biological Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological sciences
Proceedings. Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Process biochemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials
Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials(Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in energy and combustion science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in materials science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in particle and nuclear physics
Progress in particle and nuclear physics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in planning (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in solid state chemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Progress in surface science
Progress of theoretical physics
Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics
Prostaglandins (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Protein engineering
Proteins. Structure, function, and genetics
Publications. Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Pure and applied geophysics
Pure and applied optics. Part A

  Quaderni del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita di Lecce
Quality and quantity
Quality and reliability engineering international
Quarterly journal of mathematics
Quarterly journal of mechanics and applied mathematics
Quarterly reviews of biophysics
Quaternary research
Quaternary science reviews (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

  Radiation and environmental biophysics
RAIRO. Informatique theorique et applications
RAIRO. Informatique theorique et applications.(Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
RAIRO. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis
RAIRO. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis.(Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
RAIRO. Modelisation mathematique et analyse numerique
RAIRO. Modelisation mathematique et analyse numerique (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
RAIRO. Operations research
RAIRO. Recherche operationnelle
RAIRO. Theoretical informatics and applications
RAIRO. Theoretical informatics and applications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Random structures and algorithms
RCM. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry
Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters.Soobscenija po kinetike i katalizu (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Real time systems
Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Reinforced plastics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Reliability engineering and system safety (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Remote sensing of the environment (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell'Università degli Studi di Padova
Reports on mathematical physics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Reports on progress in physics
Representation Theory
Reproduction nutrition developpement (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Requirements Engineering
Research in Engineering Design
Research in microbiology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation
Research in virology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Researches on population ecology
The Review of economic studies
Review of palaeobotany and palynology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Review of scientific instruments
Reviews of geophysics [1985]
Reviews of modern physics
Revista colombiana de matematicas
Revista de Neurologia
Revue canadienne de genie civil
Revue europeenne de demographie
Revue generale de thermique (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Revue generale des chemins de fer (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Revue internationale de pedagogie
Revue internationale de recerche urbaine et regionale
Rheologica Acta
RO. Recherche operationnelle
Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Rock mechanics and rock engineering
Russian mathematical surveys

   Sbornik Mathematics
Scandinavian journal of economics
Scandinavian journal of statistics
Science of computer programming
Science of computer programming (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Science education
Science and education
Science on-line
Science reports of the Society for the Research of Theoretical Chemistry
Sciences of Soils
Scientiae Mathematicae
Scientific American
Scientometrics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Scripta materialia (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Scripta metallurgica et materialia (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Sedimentary geology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Selecta mathematica. New series
Semiconductor science and technology
Semigroup forum
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Sensors and actuators. A: Physical (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Sensors and actuators. B: Chemical (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Set-valued analysis
Sexual Plant Reproduction
Shock Waves
SIAM journal on applied mathematics
SIAM journal on computing
SIAM journal on control and optimization
SIAM journal on discrete mathematics
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications
SIAM journal on numerical analysis
SIAM journal on optimization
SIAM journal on scientific computing
SIAM review
The SIGART bulletin
Signal processing
Social indicators research
Soft Computing
Software - Concepts & Tools
Soil Science Society of America journal
Solar physics
Solid state communications
Solid state communications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Solid state electronics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Solid state ionics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
SOLSTICE: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
Soobscenija po kinetike i katalizu (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Southeast asian bulletin of mathematics
Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Soviet physics. Technical physics
Space science reviews
Spectrochimica acta. Part B: Atomic spectroscopy (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Speculations in science and technology
Standard View
Statistica neerlandica
Statistical methods in medical research
Statistics and computing
Statistics in medicine
Statistics and probability letters
Statistics and probability letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Steroids (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Structural safety (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Studia logica
Studies in applied mathematics
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Sarja A I: Mathematica
Superconductor science and technology
Superlattices and microstructures
Supramolecular science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Surface and interface analysis
Surface science
Surface science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Surface science reports
Surface science reports (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Synthetic metals (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Systematic entomology
Systematic parasitology
Systems and control letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

Talanta (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Tangents on-line
Technology and culture
Technology Review [1998]
Technology review
Technovation (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Tectonophysics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Telema on-line
Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis and mutagenesis
Terra nova
Tetrahedron (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Tetrahedron letters (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Theoretical and applied genetics
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling
Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics
Theoretical computer science
Theoretical computer science (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Theoretical population biology
Theory and applications of categories
Theory of computing systems
Theory of probability and its applications
Thermochimica acta (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Thin solid films
Thin solid films (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Thin - Walled structures (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics
Topology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Topology and its applications
Topology and its applications (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Transactions on computer human interaction.
Transfigural Mathematics
Transition in metal chemistry
Transportation research. Part B: Methodological (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Trees - Structure and Function
Trends in analytical chemistry (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Trends in biochemical sciences (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Trends in biotechnology (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Trends in ecology and evolution (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Trends in genetics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Trends in neurosciences (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Turkish journal of mathematics

   UK Nonlinear news
Ulam quarterly [AMSTEX format]
Ulam Quarterly [Postscript format]
Ulam quarterly [Print format]
Ultramicroscopy (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Ultrasonics (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)

Vacuum (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Virus genes
Virus research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Vision research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
The Visual computer
The VLDB journal

   Water research (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Water, air and soil pollution
Wave motion (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Wavelet Digest
Waves in random media
Weed research
Wireless Networks
Wood science and technology

    X-ray spectrometry


    Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Wissenschafstheorie
Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung A
Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und bodenkunde
Zeitschrift fur Physik A: Hadrons and nuclei
Zeitschrift fur Physik. B: Condensed matter
Zeitschrift fur Physik. C: Particles and fields
Zeitschrift fur Physik. D: Atoms, molecules and clusters
Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie
Zentralblatt fur Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete
Zoologica scripta
Zoologica scripta (Science Direct OnSite Elsevier - CASPUR)
Zoological journal of the Linnean Society
ZPhys-e.A.Hadrons and Nuclei
ZPhys-e.B.Condensed Matter
ZPhys-e.C.Particles and Fields

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