Advances in group theory and applications 2014 - the school

The aim of the School is to give young mathematicians (especially  Ph.D. and post-doc Algebra students) the opportunity to attend a series of four intensive mini-courses on advanced topics in the theory of groups and its applications, which currently deserve high research interest.

The School is directed by F. Catino and F. de Giovanni, and the following courses will be held by:

1. E. Aljadeff (Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel):
    Gradings on Associative Algebras, Polynomial Identities and Generic Constructions
2. A. Ballester Bolinches (Universitat de Valencia, Spain):
    An Introduction to Fusion in Finite Groups
3. F. de Giovanni (Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy):
    Groups of Infinite Rank
4. H. Laue (Mathematisches Seminar, Christian-Albrechts Universitat Kiel, Germany):
    General Transfer Methods in Group Theory

The number of participants will be bounded to 30. Interested young scientists from worldwide may apply until February 28th, 2014 following the instructions which can be found at the page APPLICATION . The stay of participants at the School location will be fully financed by the organization.

An interactive web platform will be activated in March 2014 to provide the necessary scientific backgrounds to participants.


  • DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS February 28th, 2014.
  • The interactive web platform is online. Click on CLASSROOM
  • To download the poster of the School click here.
  • Unfortunately, Prof. Belyaev will not be able to participate. His course will be replaced by a course on "Groups of infinite rank", delivered by Prof. Francesco de Giovanni.